Posts Tagged Church Planting

Classic Sponge Ball Routine

This is the “out-of-the-box” (which, in my opinion, is the OPPOSITE of “outside-of-the-box”) routine with those silly spongey balls. I sympathize with Joshua Jay when he says (in his awesome book/DVD combo “Complete Magic”) that sponge balls are weird foreign objects that sillify modern magic. (Okay, not his words, but close enough.)

But I couldn’t resist. The things are just too darn fun to play with! So I cranked up some Chili Peppers and put on a show. Enjoy:

In other news, I am working on a formal “Why the General Church Needs to Plant New Churches in New Places” argument. I’m writing it as a paper, but will also be putting together a power point presentation, and maybe a video. As I work this out, I may try just blithering ideas on video here at, as a way of getting my thoughts strait. I would love to have your feedback as I do so. So stay tuned….

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Church Planting Statistics

I just read some interesting stats comparing differences between fast growing and struggling church plants in their first three years:

  • Only 9 percent of fast-growing church planters are given salary support past 4 years; 44 percent of struggling church planters are supported past 3 years.
  • 63 percent of fast-growing church planters raise additional funding for the church plant. Only 23 percent of struggling church planters raise additional funding.
  • Planters leading fast-growing church plants are given more freedom to cast their own vision, choose their own target audience, and they have more freedom in the spending of finances.
  • Fast-growing church plants have multiple paid staff. Two paid staff members was a majority among the church plants.
  • A majority of fast-growing church plants utilize two or more volunteer staff as part of the church planting team prior to public launch.
  • Fast-growing church plants utilize more seed families than struggling church plants.
  • Fast-growing church plants use both preview services and small groups to build the initial core group.
  • Fast-growing church plants that use preview services used three or more of these services prior to public launch. A large contingent of these churches use over five.
  • Fast-growing church plants have children and teen ministries in place at time of launch and offer at least three ministry opportunities to first-time attendees.
  • 57 percent of fast-growing church plants teach financial stewardship during the first 6 months from public launch. By contrast only 40 percent of struggling church plants teach financial stewardship.

I found these at Also, see some of the other articles/sidebars linked on that page, especially .

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Buying a House in Austin

We just faxed in our offer on a house in the Northwest Hills area of Austin, TX.

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Current Projects

Current projects: Austin Church plant business case, Disney World travel plans, Burn Notice reruns, & developing my Ambitious Card Routine.

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Austin Recon 3

Gillian and I are going to Austin Wednesday through Saturday to scout neighborhoods, talk to realtors, look at houses, and plan a new church

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