From time to time I get lost in my mind When thoughts let go of now and turn to meaning: A peek above the hedge to seek and find A bigger picture of life's path so fleeting. At times my passions mapped a path quite bold Across the landscape seen by eyes so young, But more and more now that I have grown older My visions of horizons come undone. For forty years my future was so certain; The path would blur but the compass point stayed clear. But now all roads are hidden by rain curtains, And far as I can tell my goal's no nearer Than when I first set out so long ago. Are roads and maps and trips an empty show?
Posts Tagged goals
Are We There Yet?
Aug 9
Aspirational Goal
Feb 3
In 30 years New Way Church will launch 7 additional self-supporting New Church societies, each with a weekly attendance of over 300 people, several of which will themselves have launched their own daughter congregations.
[Exerpted from the Launch Plan for a church in Austin, TX. Yesterday was Our Mantra. Tomorrow: Vision.]