hi Mac…I met you this past year when you visited Morningstar Chapel? (time slips by so quickly…may have been last year) Anyway I happened upon your site and want to tell you I’ve enjoyed what I read so far. I’m relatively new to the New Church…2 yrs. and certainly like viewing it’s teachings through those of you who are veterans! Veterans may not be the best description but that’s how I’m viewing it at this time.
There is a group of us who are studying correspondences and representatives…would love to hear your thoughts someday.
Best thoughts to you and yours
Greetings from pastor Rao pray for for our ministry children home bible training for youth widows and pastors support church planting matt 28:19 James 1:27
Christ is calling them to continue his own purpose: “… to seek and to save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10)
Children Home Evangelism Church Planting Bible School Social Activities for the Poor& Needy Not by might nor by my power but by my spirit saith the lord of Hosts Zech 4:6
Church of Almighty God Almighty Grace Gospel Welfare Ministries Regd 45/98
Reaching the world and preaching the saints Our Heart Beat, Our vision is Christ, Our field is the World, Our assignment is Evangelism Knowing Him Making Him Known Living God Loving people- Loving life -HIS Pain is Our Gain
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters (1 Pet 2:9) greetings in the precious Name of most High God our Lord Jesus Christ – Mighty God, and Everlasting Father, “Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” (1 Tim 1:9]
Promoting the good news of Jesus Christ through expanding, equipping, and encouraging the lost and hungry poor and needy through our indigenous and non-denominational AGGWMinistries 45/98 Doing three fold ministry ONE Feeding and uplift the Poor and needy through some social activities James 1:27 TWO Spreading the word of God winning souls for Christ Mark 16:15 Three Christian training- equip the saints for the work of the ministry, pastors support and church planting our mission is simple its roots can be found in Luke 10:27
About Myself : I Bro. Babuji [BBRao] pastor & founder working in Rajahmundry India ,lost my parents in my childhood an orphan by the grace of God I was called and doing this ministry emphasis on to demonstrate the love of Jesus through Word and Deed .Our ministry purely run by the free will offerings from brothers and sister who are common concern and committed with the mind of Christ like you. My name is BBRao and I would like to first thank God for all that he has done in my life With God all things are possible .I thank him every day for blessing me with a wonderful wife, Teresa, and our three blessed children, Joseph15,Roosevelt13 Joyce 10
Our vision : Equip the Saints Being Effective And Productive In Christ – 2- Peter 1:8 .Edify the Saints to Grow In The Knowledge of Christ.- 2 Peter 3:18. Prepare and Present the Saints in the Glorious Presence of Christ Blameless and Spotless. – 1Timothy 6:14, Jude 24. Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” [Proverbs 29:18]. “We seek to serve, care and work with the poor and the oppressed to promote peace, justice and transformation”
To PREPARE Christians to fulfill their unique role within the Great Commission.
To PRESENT Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to people within their unique sphere of influence.
To PRAISE the Lord in spiritual fellowship and Christian service with an attitude of worship. OUR MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY SERVING IN THREE WAYS:
1. By SHARING church development and sports evangelism concept resources with the Body of Christ.
2. By STRENGTHENING Christians for vocational, recreational, and spiritual ministry.
3. By SENDING people, through the authority of their local church, to our world as missionaries to assist pastors and lay workers in church planting, sports ministry, and event evangelism.
To PREACH The Gospel to Monterey County. (Acts 8:1)
To PRACTICE Genuine love for God and influence others. (Romans 8:28)
To PROPAGATE A people into a loving Christ honoring Baptist Church. (Matthew 28:19-20)
To PERSUADE God’s people to be involved in His work in a compassionate manner. (Jude 22)
Our Mission“Strengthen the bond of love of Christ and charity to endowed the poor and marginalized with economic independence, social dignity, cultural and spiritual awareness through worship and works” Reaching Hearts, Changing Lives
Mission Statement: To Share the gospel of Jesus with everyone To Sow a seed of His word into each heart To Sing His praises in song and testimony To Serve God in this ministry and reach lost souls I glorified you on earth by completing, down to the last detail, what you assigned me to do. John 17:4
Objectives “the proclamation of the Gospel to the unconverted everywhere according to the command of Christ.” The Scriptural purpose of the involvement of the Church of Almighty God in missions is:To fulfill the Great Commission of Christ (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:17, John 20:21). To share Christ’s love for the world (Luke 10:2, Matt 9:36-38, Matt. 18:10-14)To minister to the totality of human need (Matt. 25:31-46, Luke 16:9, Luke 16:19-31, Luke 10:2). To bring men and women to the knowledge of God and to His redeeming grace (John 3:16, Rom. 10: 13-15)To obey Christ by confessing Him to the world (Matt. 10:32-33, Matt. 25:41-46)
1Children Home Currently we have two children homes one at Rasjahmundry 20 and other at Koolla 10 children. In our home orphans, semi orphan street abandoned, destitute and poor children are cared in our children homes irrespective of caste or creed or religion and provide a home for them with food, clothing and education and to make children as happy as possible. To foster among them the spirit of service, self help, simplicity and sacrifice and to make them as good citizens of the nation. There are many orphans in our area and a good number of them are lack of feeding clothing education and medical assistance. Currently we have 20 children we feed them with spiritual and physically. We give them rented/temporary shelter feeding clothing and education books other needed things they need we have two places children home 15 details with everything I would be pleased send to you if you are willing to see them or up hold these orphans I am pleased to send you pictures of proof if you really love orphans and fatherless, I don’t have any support from anywhere to our orphanage and totally depended upon our local contributions. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Pr 19:17 Matt 18:5 And whoever receive on such one child in my name receives me
2 Grace Bible Institute Our visin is to train 1000youth before 2015 Equip Train Release our Destiny Our work is Win souls for Jesus Christ build them strong to be witnesses Equip them to be disciples We admit 15 to 20 students for courses CTh DTh BTh nonresidential students due dearth of funds daily we conduct classes from 10 to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm every Saturday all
the trainees should go outreach programs and for every fifteen days they should go for preaching nearby congregations to teach we appoint well qualified and experienced staff and our registrar studied BD in sirampur university India and our coordinator did M.Div and other staff are also qualified and trained we need your if you would like to see those pictures of students while the class is going on we would love to send you those My deepest desire is to bring spiritual and physical change in lives that will impact the nation of India for lord Jesus Christ. . Our aim is to reach India by training and raising up Christian leaders for the ministry, to see leaders empowered for divine assignments and to see new churches planted with the help of new power and new glory by holy spirit Teaching the holy, infallible, inerrant, unadulterated, Immutable word of God It is our key tenet that we want to rise up generations that will be fully equipped and sent out to reach the four corners of the world with the message of the gospel.
3.Pastors working in rural and tribal[ small congregations] Presently we are working with 25 independent pastors among rural and tribal small congregations about 15 to 20 members each congregations. Pastor seminars also conducted in rural and tribal areas pray for the pastors to live for Christ pray for their needs like bycles bibles s monthly support training for untrained pastors help to their Sunday school children and widows.
4.Other Programs. Church planting, Free computer center Free medical eye camps for the poor and needy Free tailoring centers Bible quiz .Adult education programs to provide free education and through this the adults may read the Bible Tract distribution among villages monthly one time by autos we are caring only widows12 members only. If you are willing details I will send you. We request you pray and remember our programs in your daily supplications and in your special prayer meetings
Prayer Request for the following OUR CURRENT NEEDS
1. We need two computers with monitors, Two tailoring machines,. Some slates note books to adult education learners in rural 25 villages
2 Free medical assistance to the poor .Stipend for bible students sponsors for orphan children Bibles for bible school students
3. Four wheeler for Gospel preaching Construction of churches and homes, Head quarter hostel and church building
Beloved Brother we got your email after long searching of Google, we enjoyed about your website we need your prayers for our ministry. Please send your family picture We are doing ministry by free will offerings of likeminded Christian brothers and sisters like you for the common concern of uplift the poor and reaching Jesus to the unreached
We have strong desire to evangelize 10 tribal villages and 25 rural villages completely through distribution of tracts and conduct mini meetings in streets and door to door to sharing of prayer and witness to many non Christian in those villages. We have 25 small congregational pastors who are very very poor and doing service independently without any help and they have 15 to 20 believers each congregation we wish to help them monthly support but we are not able to do because of paucity of funding. Pray for their families and their children they could not join their children in schools and they do not have meals daily they are walking and preaching Gods word among those areas some of them desperately need bicycles to
Warm welcome to India: We invite U cordially Beloved if you are willing to conduct 100 to 1000 pastors /missionaries one day/ two days/ five day conference we are here to help your vision become true so we will arrange and organize everything and we cordially invite you to India to share the gospel to preach, teach and share your spiritual experiences with our independent pastors and people in India .If you are willing to visit /come to India I will prepare a budget and send you each pastor needs for one day training seminar We ask you direct contact .No mediator needed our mediator is Lord Jesus only, please contact me by email. I will immediately respond to your letter. if you would like to see our ministry pictures l send you via attachments to your email address
God is calling U to serve in india Beloved in Christ Act now James1:27 lord gave you this opportunity to feed fatherless to reach unreached and to share the afflictions of poor and to uplift the poor and needy work with us in India in a fruitful way. Lord calls you my beloved brothers and sisters who are the heart and mind like Jesus use this this chance it wouldn’t come again to you to serve the poor in India
How to get involved?
• TALK – with your families, friends and community groups about Vision for coming years Help us get the word out.
• PRAY – please pray for our programs to train pastors to feed the orphans and widows to reach the unreached to assist the helpless pastors and church planting.
• GIVE – It is purely on your will if lord touches you do something as a part of this great mission of doing Father will Matt 6:33 Waiting for your response prayerfully. “You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving.” A. Carmichael
Please be part of this ministry 1. A full time pastor and family 55 US $ 2.. An evangelist [male female ] 35 US $ 3..Abible college Student monthly support 25 US $ 4..A poor kid monthly help 25 US $ 5. Tailoring and computer monthly need 250 US$
6. Our one time Urgent need for the land for Bible College, children Home and Office building 32000 US $
Brothers /sisters if lord touches your heart to sponsor any one of the these programs [ Orphan /Bible School /Medical Camps /Gospel out Reach /Conduct meetings / Tailoring/ Free Computer Center for poor/ Slum School ] if you want to involve and support or sponsor we pleased to inform you we start that particular program on you ministry name or on your name only for this we totally agree with you We are ready to send you all pictures of our ministry activities if you are willing to see them. We are very grateful for all who contribute their time, prayers, and finances to wipe away tears from the orphans to assist poor pastors, support and sponsor bible college students and to uplift the poor and needy families in India. Special Request : We are going to conduct training program for 350 pastors in Jan 2012 pray for the training program they need bibles and Christian material to these pastors to present as gift remember in UR prayers all these pastors will be attending in the month of last week of JAN 2012 if U do help I will send u after the meeting over. Some rural pastors need UR prayers for church thatched sheds if lord touches U I will send U details and pictures of pastors pray for them .
Pray for the slum children Here there are many slum and poor students we are giving free tuition to them and their parents are poor and daily wage coolies..They are unable to pay fee so they can not send their children to school We are helping and providing good education and besides this we also aim to give free training in computer fundamentals but we need two computers our old computers damaged the cost of computers are only 450 $ pray for this. If you are willing we will start your ministry projects here in India AP In His Service and with His Love , Yours in winning the lost for Christ, Bond servants of Jesus Christ yours brother and sister TERESA BABUJI Founder Pastor BBRao Non denominational ,loving- obeying and proclaiming Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.”Ps 119:105 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 My sole aim is to bring spiritual and physical change in lives that impact the nation of India God has done great things! Let God alone be glorified! God bless you all May God’s glorious blessings be upon you!!
For I am waiting for you, O Lord. You must answer for me, O Lord my God.~ Psalm 38:15 People of this globe will agree with this three principles as To Glorify to His Name To feed the poor and fatherless and Salvation to All To know Christ to make Christ known We greatly covet your prayers and support. Together We make a difference
We ‘d love to hear from you Humble Plea: Remember the least I will send U pics if you permit me . Brothers and Sisters do a drop of offering to the church repairs,constructions,orphans,widows,pastors, bible school and slum children of UR ocean of ministry Serving the lord until He comes Pastor Babuji India We look forward to hear from U soon We have no objection and willing with great pleasure to start any program on your name or on your ministry name our ultimate goal is to love, forgiveness, and acceptance of Jesus Christ ALL GLORY TO GOD,PRAISE THE LORD,HALLELUYAH!!! AMEN…. .Offered willingly..for the service of the house of God..”1 Chronicles 29:6-7 I totally agree with Abraham Lincoln, I believe the Bible is the best gifyt God has given to man Abraham Lincoln
Contact Address : Pastor Founder BBRao MA[PSY] MEd BTh CAG P. O BOX .113 S R.Nagar Rajahmundry EGDT AP India My Phone number: +919441206106 land 0883-2124558 Email pastorbbraoaggwmin@gmail.combbraopastoraggwmin@gmail.com Please look through this letter and then act as U feel God is guiding U May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you (all) Amen . May God richly bless you with His presence
In Brief Our mission Every member become a leader Our goal to love god to love people our vision to extends ministry Be fruitful and multiply Genesis !:28
Greetings from Pastor Rao ,our main focus is to train the untrained to feed the Father less &widows , church planting ,pastors support to uplift the poor pray for to spread & win souls for lords glory
If UR are willing take up or consider ANY ONE of the following
1] You can do one time gift
2] You can introduce us to others
3] You can give us some important resource websites
4] Help In the area of widows orphans pastors church planting
5] Bible School Medical Help Computers or Tailoring Machines
6] Up hold 5 to 10 orphans 15 to 20 Bible School Students
7] U can donate bibles and other material to pastors
#3 by Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar on 2013.02.11 - 3:18am
Subject: Humble request for partnership and support.
Dear Pastor Rev.Mac,
Greetings in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Myself (N. G. Prasanna Kumar) 40yrs with a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially in the areas of evangelism, gospel outreach, care ministry & missions. I am a born-again faith based and Christ centered Christian living in India.
I am actively looking for sponsor having interest for ministries, because of the re-echoed voice of Jesus Christ, instructing me for a mission in the Hindu town of the Andhra Pradesh-state called Rajahmundry. I still need guidelines, motivations, material and financial support to carry on as I have made up my mind to obey.
Previously I was a member in a team of rural pastors. As the Lord, commanded us to start evangelizing to the hindu’s youth of the villages, the women and men. I went forth and preached about Jesus the only way and truth, and designed to encourage and equip the youth for effective living and uplift the banner of righteousness through Christ Jesus in their localities.
Most of the places I visit, the people live in slum areas, huts and are very poor, living below poverty line. Most of the people are engaged in local liquor sellers, drug addicts, single mothers, street children, orphans, high way prostitution, HIV/Aids victims etc. Majorities are lower castes like harijans, dalits and unprivileged. Upper castes of Hindus oppress and suppress the lower castes in every possible manner.
God called me to His service. I dared and moved further in the semi arid regions inhabited by radical Hindus. These radical hindu communities form into groups with fearful signs with big groups called RSS, Bajarang Dal and VHP etc. backed by political parties and leaders. The same groups will be used as vote banks for political mileage by the corrupt leaders. These groups have wide network to track down the visiting Christian leaders and pastors in the villages and towns and threaten them with brutal persecution. Media is kept away or afraid to cover and air the true incidents. The police fail to take action due to pressures from local political leaders. People of the villages who give hospitality, take part in the worship and prayers are boycotted from the villages by the elders.
I experienced and witnessed lot of such persecutions. To prove God has called, my ministry and prayers has done wonders with same radical Hindu communities. The youth in the groups heard, believed and turned to Jesus Christ. You will wonder, the same people accompany me for ministry works. I get prayer support from them and bless me with anything God touches them to give. But everything I do or give is free and surrenders at the feet of God for His guidance. I exercise my faith with all the God given abilities for His glory alone. Having, worked among these communities. I can fluently speak English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil languages and feel I am the right person to reach them.
“So faith without works is dead also”. James 2:26
I am married to “Madhurima Samuel” 40yrs,school teacher, and we’re blessed with two sons, N. Joshua Solomon, 7yrs and N.Jeshurun Samuel 4yrs.
I engage myself in ministry of care too. I visit regularly hospitals to pray for the sick and dying. I mobilize scarce resources to provide blankets, toiletries and food stuff for them, during visitations. Powerful and life changing testimonies followed these visitations. There are series of salvation stories and miraculous healing in the lives of many visited. I was equally engaged in street witnessing, involving intensive witnessing along strategic streets and avenues of non-Christians in my locality. People in their teens responded to these witnesses by yielding their lives to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. All these experiences make my joy to know no bounds.
The passion is reawakened again, after God spoke to me recently for a mission in the town called Rajahmundry, to build a good church-independent-nondenominational-multicultural, a school for the street children and orphans and a Christian youth development centre, in order to alleviate poverty and to keep them busy, because ‘idle mind is devils workshop’. The centre consist of discipleship training, personal(self) and spiritual development training, workshops and seminars for motivation, career and skill acquisition/development and sporting facilities.
To start the above mentioned projects, lot of money is required. Waiting upon God to answer my prayers and remove my greatest obstacle i.e. money and see His mission is accomplished.
I strongly believe, this letter will find you saved and spirit filled because this is the only way you can understand me. I extend my hearty invitation to your church and interested donors to come and evaluate my place of ministry. I will register the name of the ministry/society/trust under your name. India needs your services.
I need the following for the ongoing ministry works and youth development centre:
Bibles (English & Telugu), toys for kids, clothes, food, medicines, sleeping bags, simple preaching equipments, bicycles, computers, toiletries and vocational training equipments.
I believe, mercies of God will touch you to help me in this noble work for HIS glory.
I can be reached at ngprasanna@rediffmail.com and 00919492794717. Feel free to contact me for any additional information.
Mailing Address:
Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar
Door No. 7/125, Bunder Street,
Dowleswaram – East Godavari( Dist)
Andhra Pradesh – 533125
Bank Details for online donations:
Name: Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar
Acct. Number: 010410027000018
Bank: Andhra Bank
Branch: Dowleswaram (Rajahmundry), Branch Code: 0104
Swift Code (IFSC) : ANDB0000104
Bank Address: Main Road, Near Durga Theater, Dowleswaram, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Pin: 533125
God bless you as you meditate on this testimony. Appreciate your positive response.
Hello Believe it not I found you through a video you posted of the kids getting a new puppy for Christmas in 2010 I believe. I loved your youngest boy’s reaction to the new puppy. I wish we all could have days like that. I was just courious as to what you ended up naming the puppy
#1 by donna on 2011.09.10 - 9:56pm
hi Mac…I met you this past year when you visited Morningstar Chapel? (time slips by so quickly…may have been last year) Anyway I happened upon your site and want to tell you I’ve enjoyed what I read so far. I’m relatively new to the New Church…2 yrs. and certainly like viewing it’s teachings through those of you who are veterans! Veterans may not be the best description but that’s how I’m viewing it at this time.
There is a group of us who are studying correspondences and representatives…would love to hear your thoughts someday.
Best thoughts to you and yours
#2 by pastor Babuji Rao on 2011.10.12 - 12:42am
Greetings from pastor Rao pray for for our ministry children home bible training for youth widows and pastors support church planting matt 28:19 James 1:27
Christ is calling them to continue his own purpose: “… to seek and to save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10)
Children Home Evangelism Church Planting Bible School Social Activities for the Poor& Needy Not by might nor by my power but by my spirit saith the lord of Hosts Zech 4:6
Church of Almighty God Almighty Grace Gospel Welfare Ministries Regd 45/98
Reaching the world and preaching the saints Our Heart Beat, Our vision is Christ, Our field is the World, Our assignment is Evangelism Knowing Him Making Him Known Living God Loving people- Loving life -HIS Pain is Our Gain
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters (1 Pet 2:9) greetings in the precious Name of most High God our Lord Jesus Christ – Mighty God, and Everlasting Father, “Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” (1 Tim 1:9]
Promoting the good news of Jesus Christ through expanding, equipping, and encouraging the lost and hungry poor and needy through our indigenous and non-denominational AGGWMinistries 45/98 Doing three fold ministry ONE Feeding and uplift the Poor and needy through some social activities James 1:27 TWO Spreading the word of God winning souls for Christ Mark 16:15 Three Christian training- equip the saints for the work of the ministry, pastors support and church planting our mission is simple its roots can be found in Luke 10:27
About Myself : I Bro. Babuji [BBRao] pastor & founder working in Rajahmundry India ,lost my parents in my childhood an orphan by the grace of God I was called and doing this ministry emphasis on to demonstrate the love of Jesus through Word and Deed .Our ministry purely run by the free will offerings from brothers and sister who are common concern and committed with the mind of Christ like you. My name is BBRao and I would like to first thank God for all that he has done in my life With God all things are possible .I thank him every day for blessing me with a wonderful wife, Teresa, and our three blessed children, Joseph15,Roosevelt13 Joyce 10
Our vision : Equip the Saints Being Effective And Productive In Christ – 2- Peter 1:8 .Edify the Saints to Grow In The Knowledge of Christ.- 2 Peter 3:18. Prepare and Present the Saints in the Glorious Presence of Christ Blameless and Spotless. – 1Timothy 6:14, Jude 24. Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” [Proverbs 29:18]. “We seek to serve, care and work with the poor and the oppressed to promote peace, justice and transformation”
To PREPARE Christians to fulfill their unique role within the Great Commission.
To PRESENT Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to people within their unique sphere of influence.
To PRAISE the Lord in spiritual fellowship and Christian service with an attitude of worship. OUR MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY SERVING IN THREE WAYS:
1. By SHARING church development and sports evangelism concept resources with the Body of Christ.
2. By STRENGTHENING Christians for vocational, recreational, and spiritual ministry.
3. By SENDING people, through the authority of their local church, to our world as missionaries to assist pastors and lay workers in church planting, sports ministry, and event evangelism.
To PREACH The Gospel to Monterey County. (Acts 8:1)
To PRACTICE Genuine love for God and influence others. (Romans 8:28)
To PROPAGATE A people into a loving Christ honoring Baptist Church. (Matthew 28:19-20)
To PERSUADE God’s people to be involved in His work in a compassionate manner. (Jude 22)
Our Mission“Strengthen the bond of love of Christ and charity to endowed the poor and marginalized with economic independence, social dignity, cultural and spiritual awareness through worship and works” Reaching Hearts, Changing Lives
Mission Statement: To Share the gospel of Jesus with everyone To Sow a seed of His word into each heart To Sing His praises in song and testimony To Serve God in this ministry and reach lost souls I glorified you on earth by completing, down to the last detail, what you assigned me to do. John 17:4
Objectives “the proclamation of the Gospel to the unconverted everywhere according to the command of Christ.” The Scriptural purpose of the involvement of the Church of Almighty God in missions is:To fulfill the Great Commission of Christ (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:17, John 20:21). To share Christ’s love for the world (Luke 10:2, Matt 9:36-38, Matt. 18:10-14)To minister to the totality of human need (Matt. 25:31-46, Luke 16:9, Luke 16:19-31, Luke 10:2). To bring men and women to the knowledge of God and to His redeeming grace (John 3:16, Rom. 10: 13-15)To obey Christ by confessing Him to the world (Matt. 10:32-33, Matt. 25:41-46)
1Children Home Currently we have two children homes one at Rasjahmundry 20 and other at Koolla 10 children. In our home orphans, semi orphan street abandoned, destitute and poor children are cared in our children homes irrespective of caste or creed or religion and provide a home for them with food, clothing and education and to make children as happy as possible. To foster among them the spirit of service, self help, simplicity and sacrifice and to make them as good citizens of the nation. There are many orphans in our area and a good number of them are lack of feeding clothing education and medical assistance. Currently we have 20 children we feed them with spiritual and physically. We give them rented/temporary shelter feeding clothing and education books other needed things they need we have two places children home 15 details with everything I would be pleased send to you if you are willing to see them or up hold these orphans I am pleased to send you pictures of proof if you really love orphans and fatherless, I don’t have any support from anywhere to our orphanage and totally depended upon our local contributions. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Pr 19:17 Matt 18:5 And whoever receive on such one child in my name receives me
2 Grace Bible Institute Our visin is to train 1000youth before 2015 Equip Train Release our Destiny Our work is Win souls for Jesus Christ build them strong to be witnesses Equip them to be disciples We admit 15 to 20 students for courses CTh DTh BTh nonresidential students due dearth of funds daily we conduct classes from 10 to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm every Saturday all
the trainees should go outreach programs and for every fifteen days they should go for preaching nearby congregations to teach we appoint well qualified and experienced staff and our registrar studied BD in sirampur university India and our coordinator did M.Div and other staff are also qualified and trained we need your if you would like to see those pictures of students while the class is going on we would love to send you those My deepest desire is to bring spiritual and physical change in lives that will impact the nation of India for lord Jesus Christ. . Our aim is to reach India by training and raising up Christian leaders for the ministry, to see leaders empowered for divine assignments and to see new churches planted with the help of new power and new glory by holy spirit Teaching the holy, infallible, inerrant, unadulterated, Immutable word of God It is our key tenet that we want to rise up generations that will be fully equipped and sent out to reach the four corners of the world with the message of the gospel.
3.Pastors working in rural and tribal[ small congregations] Presently we are working with 25 independent pastors among rural and tribal small congregations about 15 to 20 members each congregations. Pastor seminars also conducted in rural and tribal areas pray for the pastors to live for Christ pray for their needs like bycles bibles s monthly support training for untrained pastors help to their Sunday school children and widows.
4.Other Programs. Church planting, Free computer center Free medical eye camps for the poor and needy Free tailoring centers Bible quiz .Adult education programs to provide free education and through this the adults may read the Bible Tract distribution among villages monthly one time by autos we are caring only widows12 members only. If you are willing details I will send you. We request you pray and remember our programs in your daily supplications and in your special prayer meetings
Prayer Request for the following OUR CURRENT NEEDS
1. We need two computers with monitors, Two tailoring machines,. Some slates note books to adult education learners in rural 25 villages
2 Free medical assistance to the poor .Stipend for bible students sponsors for orphan children Bibles for bible school students
3. Four wheeler for Gospel preaching Construction of churches and homes, Head quarter hostel and church building
Beloved Brother we got your email after long searching of Google, we enjoyed about your website we need your prayers for our ministry. Please send your family picture We are doing ministry by free will offerings of likeminded Christian brothers and sisters like you for the common concern of uplift the poor and reaching Jesus to the unreached
We have strong desire to evangelize 10 tribal villages and 25 rural villages completely through distribution of tracts and conduct mini meetings in streets and door to door to sharing of prayer and witness to many non Christian in those villages. We have 25 small congregational pastors who are very very poor and doing service independently without any help and they have 15 to 20 believers each congregation we wish to help them monthly support but we are not able to do because of paucity of funding. Pray for their families and their children they could not join their children in schools and they do not have meals daily they are walking and preaching Gods word among those areas some of them desperately need bicycles to
Warm welcome to India: We invite U cordially Beloved if you are willing to conduct 100 to 1000 pastors /missionaries one day/ two days/ five day conference we are here to help your vision become true so we will arrange and organize everything and we cordially invite you to India to share the gospel to preach, teach and share your spiritual experiences with our independent pastors and people in India .If you are willing to visit /come to India I will prepare a budget and send you each pastor needs for one day training seminar We ask you direct contact .No mediator needed our mediator is Lord Jesus only, please contact me by email. I will immediately respond to your letter. if you would like to see our ministry pictures l send you via attachments to your email address
God is calling U to serve in india Beloved in Christ Act now James1:27 lord gave you this opportunity to feed fatherless to reach unreached and to share the afflictions of poor and to uplift the poor and needy work with us in India in a fruitful way. Lord calls you my beloved brothers and sisters who are the heart and mind like Jesus use this this chance it wouldn’t come again to you to serve the poor in India
How to get involved?
• TALK – with your families, friends and community groups about Vision for coming years Help us get the word out.
• PRAY – please pray for our programs to train pastors to feed the orphans and widows to reach the unreached to assist the helpless pastors and church planting.
• GIVE – It is purely on your will if lord touches you do something as a part of this great mission of doing Father will Matt 6:33 Waiting for your response prayerfully. “You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving.” A. Carmichael
Please be part of this ministry 1. A full time pastor and family 55 US $ 2.. An evangelist [male female ] 35 US $ 3..Abible college Student monthly support 25 US $ 4..A poor kid monthly help 25 US $ 5. Tailoring and computer monthly need 250 US$
6. Our one time Urgent need for the land for Bible College, children Home and Office building 32000 US $
Brothers /sisters if lord touches your heart to sponsor any one of the these programs [ Orphan /Bible School /Medical Camps /Gospel out Reach /Conduct meetings / Tailoring/ Free Computer Center for poor/ Slum School ] if you want to involve and support or sponsor we pleased to inform you we start that particular program on you ministry name or on your name only for this we totally agree with you We are ready to send you all pictures of our ministry activities if you are willing to see them. We are very grateful for all who contribute their time, prayers, and finances to wipe away tears from the orphans to assist poor pastors, support and sponsor bible college students and to uplift the poor and needy families in India. Special Request : We are going to conduct training program for 350 pastors in Jan 2012 pray for the training program they need bibles and Christian material to these pastors to present as gift remember in UR prayers all these pastors will be attending in the month of last week of JAN 2012 if U do help I will send u after the meeting over. Some rural pastors need UR prayers for church thatched sheds if lord touches U I will send U details and pictures of pastors pray for them .
Pray for the slum children Here there are many slum and poor students we are giving free tuition to them and their parents are poor and daily wage coolies..They are unable to pay fee so they can not send their children to school We are helping and providing good education and besides this we also aim to give free training in computer fundamentals but we need two computers our old computers damaged the cost of computers are only 450 $ pray for this. If you are willing we will start your ministry projects here in India AP In His Service and with His Love , Yours in winning the lost for Christ, Bond servants of Jesus Christ yours brother and sister TERESA BABUJI Founder Pastor BBRao Non denominational ,loving- obeying and proclaiming Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.”Ps 119:105 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 My sole aim is to bring spiritual and physical change in lives that impact the nation of India God has done great things! Let God alone be glorified! God bless you all May God’s glorious blessings be upon you!!
For I am waiting for you, O Lord. You must answer for me, O Lord my God.~ Psalm 38:15 People of this globe will agree with this three principles as To Glorify to His Name To feed the poor and fatherless and Salvation to All To know Christ to make Christ known We greatly covet your prayers and support. Together We make a difference
We ‘d love to hear from you Humble Plea: Remember the least I will send U pics if you permit me . Brothers and Sisters do a drop of offering to the church repairs,constructions,orphans,widows,pastors, bible school and slum children of UR ocean of ministry Serving the lord until He comes Pastor Babuji India We look forward to hear from U soon We have no objection and willing with great pleasure to start any program on your name or on your ministry name our ultimate goal is to love, forgiveness, and acceptance of Jesus Christ ALL GLORY TO GOD,PRAISE THE LORD,HALLELUYAH!!! AMEN…. .Offered willingly..for the service of the house of God..”1 Chronicles 29:6-7 I totally agree with Abraham Lincoln, I believe the Bible is the best gifyt God has given to man Abraham Lincoln
Contact Address : Pastor Founder BBRao MA[PSY] MEd BTh CAG P. O BOX .113 S R.Nagar Rajahmundry EGDT AP India My Phone number: +919441206106 land 0883-2124558 Email pastorbbraoaggwmin@gmail.com bbraopastoraggwmin@gmail.com Please look through this letter and then act as U feel God is guiding U May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you (all) Amen . May God richly bless you with His presence
In Brief Our mission Every member become a leader Our goal to love god to love people our vision to extends ministry Be fruitful and multiply Genesis !:28
Greetings from Pastor Rao ,our main focus is to train the untrained to feed the Father less &widows , church planting ,pastors support to uplift the poor pray for to spread & win souls for lords glory
If UR are willing take up or consider ANY ONE of the following
1] You can do one time gift
2] You can introduce us to others
3] You can give us some important resource websites
4] Help In the area of widows orphans pastors church planting
5] Bible School Medical Help Computers or Tailoring Machines
6] Up hold 5 to 10 orphans 15 to 20 Bible School Students
7] U can donate bibles and other material to pastors
#3 by Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar on 2013.02.11 - 3:18am
Subject: Humble request for partnership and support.
Dear Pastor Rev.Mac,
Greetings in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Myself (N. G. Prasanna Kumar) 40yrs with a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially in the areas of evangelism, gospel outreach, care ministry & missions. I am a born-again faith based and Christ centered Christian living in India.
I am actively looking for sponsor having interest for ministries, because of the re-echoed voice of Jesus Christ, instructing me for a mission in the Hindu town of the Andhra Pradesh-state called Rajahmundry. I still need guidelines, motivations, material and financial support to carry on as I have made up my mind to obey.
Previously I was a member in a team of rural pastors. As the Lord, commanded us to start evangelizing to the hindu’s youth of the villages, the women and men. I went forth and preached about Jesus the only way and truth, and designed to encourage and equip the youth for effective living and uplift the banner of righteousness through Christ Jesus in their localities.
Most of the places I visit, the people live in slum areas, huts and are very poor, living below poverty line. Most of the people are engaged in local liquor sellers, drug addicts, single mothers, street children, orphans, high way prostitution, HIV/Aids victims etc. Majorities are lower castes like harijans, dalits and unprivileged. Upper castes of Hindus oppress and suppress the lower castes in every possible manner.
God called me to His service. I dared and moved further in the semi arid regions inhabited by radical Hindus. These radical hindu communities form into groups with fearful signs with big groups called RSS, Bajarang Dal and VHP etc. backed by political parties and leaders. The same groups will be used as vote banks for political mileage by the corrupt leaders. These groups have wide network to track down the visiting Christian leaders and pastors in the villages and towns and threaten them with brutal persecution. Media is kept away or afraid to cover and air the true incidents. The police fail to take action due to pressures from local political leaders. People of the villages who give hospitality, take part in the worship and prayers are boycotted from the villages by the elders.
I experienced and witnessed lot of such persecutions. To prove God has called, my ministry and prayers has done wonders with same radical Hindu communities. The youth in the groups heard, believed and turned to Jesus Christ. You will wonder, the same people accompany me for ministry works. I get prayer support from them and bless me with anything God touches them to give. But everything I do or give is free and surrenders at the feet of God for His guidance. I exercise my faith with all the God given abilities for His glory alone. Having, worked among these communities. I can fluently speak English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil languages and feel I am the right person to reach them.
“So faith without works is dead also”. James 2:26
I am married to “Madhurima Samuel” 40yrs,school teacher, and we’re blessed with two sons, N. Joshua Solomon, 7yrs and N.Jeshurun Samuel 4yrs.
I engage myself in ministry of care too. I visit regularly hospitals to pray for the sick and dying. I mobilize scarce resources to provide blankets, toiletries and food stuff for them, during visitations. Powerful and life changing testimonies followed these visitations. There are series of salvation stories and miraculous healing in the lives of many visited. I was equally engaged in street witnessing, involving intensive witnessing along strategic streets and avenues of non-Christians in my locality. People in their teens responded to these witnesses by yielding their lives to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. All these experiences make my joy to know no bounds.
The passion is reawakened again, after God spoke to me recently for a mission in the town called Rajahmundry, to build a good church-independent-nondenominational-multicultural, a school for the street children and orphans and a Christian youth development centre, in order to alleviate poverty and to keep them busy, because ‘idle mind is devils workshop’. The centre consist of discipleship training, personal(self) and spiritual development training, workshops and seminars for motivation, career and skill acquisition/development and sporting facilities.
To start the above mentioned projects, lot of money is required. Waiting upon God to answer my prayers and remove my greatest obstacle i.e. money and see His mission is accomplished.
I strongly believe, this letter will find you saved and spirit filled because this is the only way you can understand me. I extend my hearty invitation to your church and interested donors to come and evaluate my place of ministry. I will register the name of the ministry/society/trust under your name. India needs your services.
I need the following for the ongoing ministry works and youth development centre:
Bibles (English & Telugu), toys for kids, clothes, food, medicines, sleeping bags, simple preaching equipments, bicycles, computers, toiletries and vocational training equipments.
I believe, mercies of God will touch you to help me in this noble work for HIS glory.
I can be reached at ngprasanna@rediffmail.com and 00919492794717. Feel free to contact me for any additional information.
Mailing Address:
Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar
Door No. 7/125, Bunder Street,
Dowleswaram – East Godavari( Dist)
Andhra Pradesh – 533125
Bank Details for online donations:
Name: Nethala Guru Prasanna Kumar
Acct. Number: 010410027000018
Bank: Andhra Bank
Branch: Dowleswaram (Rajahmundry), Branch Code: 0104
Swift Code (IFSC) : ANDB0000104
Bank Address: Main Road, Near Durga Theater, Dowleswaram, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Pin: 533125
God bless you as you meditate on this testimony. Appreciate your positive response.
Yours in HIS service
N.G.Prasanna Kumar.
#4 by Sheila S. on 2013.05.12 - 4:55pm
Hello Believe it not I found you through a video you posted of the kids getting a new puppy for Christmas in 2010 I believe. I loved your youngest boy’s reaction to the new puppy. I wish we all could have days like that. I was just courious as to what you ended up naming the puppy
#5 by Mac on 2014.07.08 - 2:30pm
The dog’s name is Guster.