Posts Tagged objectives

Major Objectives

This plan covers the first four years of the program. Years 1 through 3 cover the “infancy” phase of the congregation up to the end of outside financial support. The first year (“Year 0”), which is laid out in more detail and is broken into three phases (Prelaunch, Launch, and Postlaunch), centers on the activities during the “birth” phase necessary to ensure a healthy start to the congregation.?

Prelaunch > LAUNCH > Postlaunch > Year 1 > Year 2 > Year 3

[This is from the Launch Plan for New Way Church in Austin, TX. Yesterday: Launch Team / Core Group. Next time: the Calendar.]

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The Point

Our immediate strategic aim is to successfully launch a New Church congregation with the purpose, mission and values described in this plan, and have it be financially self-supporting within four years so that it can then begin planting its own daughter congregations.

[Excerpted from the Launch Strategy for New Way Church. Yesterday we posted the introduction. Tomorrow: “Core Values“.]

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