Posts Tagged video

Is Randomness Real?

Thinking about chaos theory and Divine Providence, and messing around with a deck of cards, I came up with this video:

Many people in this world attribute everything to themselves and to their own prudence, and anything they cannot claim in this way they attribute to chance or coincidence. They do not realize that human prudence is nothing and that “chance” and “coincidence” are empty words.

-Emmanuel Swedenborg, Divine Providence #70.

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More Guitar Pick Magic

A sequel to my first guitar pick post. Cause I’m in a silly mood:

Any questions?

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Guitar Pick

Typing hurts. So video post today:

Silly, I know.

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No More Crying

She wouldn’t look at him
More than she had to.
He knew that something was wrong.
But she wouldn’t tell him,
And he wouldn’t ask,
And so they just drifted apart.

No more trying,
So this love was dying.
But there’s no more crying

(The almost done middle verse of a song about loss that I am writing.)

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