Our first postcard inviting people to check out New Way Church is in people’s mailboxes now. The second one is going out in less than a week. We’re advertising on Facebook, and through Google, and we’re inviting everyone we know. Because on Sunday, February 27th, at 10:00 a.m., New Way Church is officially launching.
We’ve been meeting quietly for half a year, and now it’s time to switch from quiet to loud. And it’s weird. Why? Because we are heading into unexplored territory and have no idea what will happen next. Will we get so many people showing up that there isn’t parking and seating for everyone? Will we get no one? Will the people who come check us out find value in what we offer? Or will our non-traditional take on Christianity make us a target of hatred?
Or will the Lord bless us with exactly what we need to learn and grow?
Why do roller coaster riders throw their hands in the air?
#1 by Andrea Cranch on 2011.02.14 - 4:07pm
Thinking of you and sending best wishes. Some day perhaps we can do what Bradley’s parents did, which was go around and visit the different New Church societies often at momentous occasions such as Church dedications or local assemblies. We are with you in spirit as you do your official launch!
#2 by Mac on 2011.02.14 - 4:11pm
Thanks, Andrea!
#3 by Jaybarry on 2011.02.18 - 6:12pm
Hey Mac – the site it looking good! Best wishes and hope to visit someday.
#4 by Mac on 2011.02.18 - 7:36pm
Thanks, Jay! I’d love have a visit!
Nice blog, by the way!
#5 by Trish on 2011.02.20 - 4:09am
Hi I read your church beliefs and wish to know why you have included “the Latin Doctrines of the New Church” by Emanuel Swedenborg within your beliefs (original quote below).
….”We believe that the Lord has authority over the Church by means of His Holy Word. He reveals Himself to people by means of the truths within the Law, Prophets and Psalms of the Old Testament of the Bible, the Greek Gospels and Apocalypse of the New Testament of the Bible, and the Latin Doctrines of the New Church revealed by means of Emanuel Swedenborg. Together, these contain a complete revelation of Divine Truth in its own light.”
Is your inclusion of Emanuel Swedenborg because you believe:
There is no true Trinity, but rather one God with 3 different characteristics or facets (ie Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit)
Swedenborg’s view on marriage as a union of spiritual pairings….and how that marriage can continue into the spiritual realm
Swedenborg’s rejection of salvation thru faith alone and the support of faith AND charity (ie works) as a means of salvation rather than justification by faith alone (Ephesians 2: 8,9).
#6 by Mac on 2011.02.24 - 11:55am
Hi, Trish.
We do in fact believe that the trinity is not a trinity of persons. There is a trinity in God, but it is just as it is in every person: soul, body and action. What makes the trinity in Jesus exceptional is that his soul was not created by God, but was God himself.
You are correct on our beliefs regarding marriage.
On salvation, I would make one minor adjustment. Charity and works are not quite the same thing. We also preach against salvation by works. Works (good deeds, etc.) are the product of the marriage of charity (the loving desire to do good for the neighbor) and faith (a life of trust in the various truths taught throughout God’s Word).
We believe that faith does in fact save. But faith isn’t just lip service, or a way of thinking. True faith is not possible unless one also has the desire to live according to one’s faith, and that desire is charity, i.e., love. As I understand it, the Lord is the one who saves each person, and He does it by slowly transforming them over a lifetime of faith and charity. We don’t “earn” heaven by doing good works. Rather, by attempting to practice our faith, sometimes doing good works, but sometimes tripping and failing, the Lord works within that struggling desire, by means of the learned truths that make up our faith, to gently take away our innate desires to be evil in various ways, and replace them with inclinations to do good purely for the sake of others, and most especially for his sake. We’re not saved by good works, but attempting to live a good life, regularly repenting of our errors, is how we consent to the Lord’s transforming of our life.
Faith apart from charity is dead, as you know.
#7 by Ryan on 2011.11.13 - 1:29pm
Hey Mac,
Love your tagline / slogan. Think its great! Hope the launch of the church is going well for you. I have family in Austin. Maybe I’ll stop in next time I’m down for a visit.
God bless,