I just read some interesting stats comparing differences between fast growing and struggling church plants in their first three years:
- Only 9 percent of fast-growing church planters are given salary support past 4 years; 44 percent of struggling church planters are supported past 3 years.
- 63 percent of fast-growing church planters raise additional funding for the church plant. Only 23 percent of struggling church planters raise additional funding.
- Planters leading fast-growing church plants are given more freedom to cast their own vision, choose their own target audience, and they have more freedom in the spending of finances.
- Fast-growing church plants have multiple paid staff. Two paid staff members was a majority among the church plants.
- A majority of fast-growing church plants utilize two or more volunteer staff as part of the church planting team prior to public launch.
- Fast-growing church plants utilize more seed families than struggling church plants.
- Fast-growing church plants use both preview services and small groups to build the initial core group.
- Fast-growing church plants that use preview services used three or more of these services prior to public launch. A large contingent of these churches use over five.
- Fast-growing church plants have children and teen ministries in place at time of launch and offer at least three ministry opportunities to first-time attendees.
- 57 percent of fast-growing church plants teach financial stewardship during the first 6 months from public launch. By contrast only 40 percent of struggling church plants teach financial stewardship.
I found these at http://enrichmentjournal.ag.org/200904/200904_068_Priorities_sb.cfm Also, see some of the other articles/sidebars linked on that page, especially http://enrichmentjournal.ag.org/200904/200904_068_FastGrowing_sb.cfm .
#1 by Pearse on 2009.09.11 - 6:58am
Cause vs correlation aside, this is a great list. The amount of prep involved, with staff, additional funding, and initial small groups, is particularly new to me.
#2 by Mac on 2009.09.11 - 11:33am
The small group stat is particularly interesting to me, as it contradicts recommendations made by Searcy and Kerrick (Journey Church New York), and also by Sylvia (The Springs at Ocala)–the biggest proponents of “launching large”.